2.6.1 Feedback for monitoring

Other feedback mechanisms can be introduced or - where they already exist - can be developed into rich research and monitoring tools. Many of these tools are obvious and are already used by projects; they often only need to be made more systematic, and to be analysed and integrated within the research process.

For example:

  • Feedback forms can be made an integral part of a user's visit to a centre, station, etc (e.g. by making them part of logging-in to computers, or signing up for classes). The questions asked in such forms should be carefully considered and fit within the overall research process and need to help you to monitor use.
  • Computer logs and browsing histories can be rich sources of data that tell what websites have been visited, when and how often.
  • Log-books can be set up in non-intrusive ways for workers to record their main activities, the kinds of people they have dealt with, and so on. Log-books often list only the most basic information about activities through the day; it takes only a little more information to make it a rich source of monitoring information - the kinds of information that donors, for example, may request.
  • Visitor books and suggestion boxes can be available and participants encouraged to use them.

These various feedback mechanisms are a normal part of the functioning of organizations, and provide an important opportunity to put in place a systematic monitoring process. The idea is to make sure that you strengthen and develop the ways in which your project documents itself.