Trainers notes: Dealing with EAR Data

Introduction This Section introduces the process of organising and analysing research data. Participants will learn the steps they need to follow in order to make the most effective use of their data.
Timing/duration 1 day split into four 2-3 hour blocks.
Target audience Those intending to use EAR in their projects, including those who will take on the role of EAR researcher.
Prerequisite skills/knowledge Units One and Two of the EAR handbook must be completed by participants (beginners).
Unit objectives/expected outcomes Participants will have the basic skills required to organise and analyse research data.
Pre-workshop activities None required.
Notes on using exercises During group exercises, participants should work in the project teams they worked in during the Toolbox exercises.
Equipment needed Large sheets of paper, text markers, space for group discussions, computers if available.

Day Four: Dealing with EAR Data

AM 1 Session 1 Documenting Data Exercise 1
AM 2 Session 2 Organising data: Labelling data Exercise 2
    Organising data: Coding data Exercise 3
PM 1 Session 3 Analysing data: Managing codes, developing themes Exercise 4
PM 2 Session 4 Research findings, planning and action Discussion